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с 9:00 до 18:00
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Our address:
4 Ivana Lepse Ave., building 7, ground floor, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


+38 (044) 238-28-03

+38 (044) 454-04-30

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Business cardsdigital printingKyivoffset printingprinting housescreen printingБлог типографии "АБРИС ПРИНТ"БлокнотыBookletsБумажные пакеты КиевВизиткиДокументы для бухгалтерии АБРИС ПРИНТКаталог готовых штанцформКаталог дизайнерского картона онлайнКонтакты типографии "АБРИС ПРИНТ"Кубарикиfly sheetsleafletsPOS-materialsПечать CD/DVD/mini дисковПечать конвертовПечать наклеекПластиковые картыPromotional productsТребование к макетамФирменные папкиflyersLarge format printingблог о полиграфииблог типографииблоки для записейблоки для записей произвосдтвоблокноты на пружинеблокноты на пружинкебрендирование п/э пакетоввоблерывоблеры на заказwobblersзаказать блокноты киевзаказать визиткизаказать етикеткузаказать наклейки киевзаказать этикетку киевзакзать кубарики из картонаизготовление бланковизготовление блокнотовизготовление брошюризготовление визитокизготовление воблеровизготовление календарейизготовление каталоговизготовление конвертовизготовление коробок киевизготовление упаковкиизготовление упаковки киевизготовление этикеток на бутылки украинакиевKyivкубарики с логокубарики с лого печатьнанесение лого на п/э пакетынапечатать этикеткуножки для воблеровофсетная печатьoffset printingпакеты бумажные с логопакеты из бумаги с логопечать бланковпечать бланков Киевпечать брошюрпечать визитокпечать календарейпечать календарей Украинапечать каталоговпечать конвертов Киевпечать на коробкахпечать на п/э пакетахпечать наклеек на оракалепечать наклеек на ретрамепечать настенных календарейпечать перекидных календарейпечать этикетокпечать этикеток киевпечать этикеток на банкипечать этикеток на бутылки киевпроизводство бланковпроизводство календарейпроизводство конвертовпроизводство наклеекпроизводство этикетки украинапроизводство этикетокрегистрационные документы АБРИС ПРИНТрекламныетипографияprinting houseтрафаретная печатьscreen printingцифровая печатьdigital printing

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Contact our managers:

Antonina Buban
Mob. 093-342-10-00

Inna Bidnichenko
Mob. 097-997-52-55

Mariya Tabenkova
Mob. 099-547-23-25

Konstantin Zamsha
Mob. 067-977-44-33

Ilona Starun
Mob. 067-450-74-96

Rudenko Oxana
моб. 050-911-15-56

Self-copying forms

The rescue for your records management has been found! Today we are ready to offer you the manufacture and printing of self-copying forms.

What are self-copying forms?

Those are forms printed on special paper. When the first page of such forms is filled out, the text print is transferred to all the subsequent copies.

The number of layers usually ranges from two to five or six copies. We can print more, but it is not practical from the viewpoint of text legibility on the underlying copies.

The first sheet is called a “transmitting” sheet. It contains coloring capsules. Mechanical pressure (the form is usually filled out with a pen or a pencil) makes such capsules break and leave a mark in the form of an inscription on the underlying copies.

The second sheet is called a “middle” or “receiving-transmitting” sheet. Its front side is covered with an absorbent layer, and in case of a mechanical action a dark impression, which is not smeared in further applications, appears on the form.

If more than 2 copies are provided, the reverse side of the form has the same coating as the first transmitting sheet.

The last sheet is called a “receiving” sheet. Its front side is covered with a receiving layer and its properties are similar to the properties of plain paper.

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Where are self-copying forms applies?

Self-copying forms can be often found in the field of restaurant business and logistics. The delivery of payment for food, goods and services is usually accompanied by filling out multiple copies of forms. That may be a document confirming payment, delivery, warranty liability, etc. The completion of two, three or more copies is often required depending on the business process adopted by the company. To reduce the time spent on filling out identical copies you may just order the printing of your form on self-copying paper.

Where and how are self-copying forms?

Printing forms or sheets on self-copying paper requires specialized equipment.. Do you need to print self-copying forms in Kyiv? No problem!

Self-copying paper is usually white, pink, blue, yellow and green. There are plenty of different tones and half-tones of these colors: from live and bright to pastel shades.

Specialists of ABRIS PRINT Printing House will manage to print forms of the designated template on self-copying paper for your company quickly and efficiently.

Would you like to save your time and the time of your employees? Simplify document flow in your company with the help of self-copying forms!

Self-copying forms