Print Plus № 10(114), 2014, /Print with us/
"Only Development Leads to Success"
Print Plus № 8(112), 2014 /Events/
"Exhibition REX 2014 through the Eyes of a Participant"
Print Plus №6(110), 2014 /Director’s Office/
"Printing Market Does Have Future!"
Direktor Tipografii 4/113/2014 /Who Bought What/
"HEIDELBERG SM 52-5P3-H in ABRIS PRINT Printing House"
Direktor Tipografii 3/112/2014 /Who Bought What/
"ML-750 Creasing and Die Cutting Machine in ABRIS PRINT Printing House"
Direktor Tipografii 2/111/2014 /Arbor/
"ML-750 Creasing and Die Cutting Machine in ABRIS PRINT Printing House"
Direktor Tipografii 12/104/2012 /Who Bought What/
Direktor Tipografii 12/102/2012 /PRINTING&PAPER/
“We have something to offer!"
Print Plus № 3(87), 2012 /Events, Trends, Events/
"ABRIS PRINT Uses Practically All Promotion Tools" |
Print Plus № 2(86), 2012 /Events, Trends, Events/
"ABRIS PRINT Uses Practically All Promotion Tools"
Print Plus №6(80), 2011 /News/
"ABRIS PRINT Strengthens Post-Press"
Print Plus №6 (80), 2011/Printing Industry/
"Double Quick"
Polihrafiia Newspaper №6(22) June-July, 2011 /Installations/
"French Sharpness" |
Polihrafiia Newspaper №6(22) June-July 2011
"Printing Is My Lifework"
«PrintNews» №6, June, 2011 /Installations/
"FL-76 MC Paper Guillotine in ABRIS PRINT Printing House"
Print Plus №5(79), 2011 /News/
"FL-76 MC Paper Guillotine in ABRIS PRINT Printing House" |
Direktor Tipografii D.Т., 5/85/2011 /Installations /
"Konica Minolta 7085 in ABRIS PRINT Printing House"
Print Plus № 2 (76), February, 2011 /Ukraine/
"Quality or Price – We Establish Priorities"

Print Plus №8 (72), October, 2010 /Ukraine/
"Constant Growth"
Direktor Tipografii, 3/2010 /Figure: “Business Project”/
"A LITTLE of Everything"
PrintWeek» №11(88) June 10, 2008 /Quick Fire Questions/
"I Sit High, I Look Far!"
Regarding publications about the company, interviews with its key experts and any other free use information, please contact the Marketing and Advertising Department of ABRIS PRINT by calling:
(044) 228-45-70
Or write an e-mail at: info@abris-print.com
We are always open and ready to cooperate!